
Themes: Contained Shadow

‘Contained shadow’ is a description, coined by Lynda Simmons, for the darkness held between roof layers and within wall reveals. This has been a theme in her design, drawing and research work since student days, and her undergraduate thesis ‘Shadow Is Defined’, 1986 (The University of Auckland).

Refer to ‘Interior Darkness / Contained Shadow’ in Interstices 12, 2012, by Lynda Simmons (Unsettled Containers, ed. Engels - Schwarzpaul, T and Douglas, A, 2012, pp. 126 - 130) for academic research into Contained Shadow.

1 Van Campfort House alteration, Mahurangi, 2003.

 2 Van Campfort House alteration, Mahurangi, 2003.

 3 Webber House, Takapuna, Auckland. 1989. (Neil Simmons Architects). Library wall detail. 


4 Webber House, 1989   (Neil Simmons Architects). Window reveal detail.


5 Lush House, Birkenhead, Auckland. 2008.
Kitchen storage wall detail.